GTR Green Team Racing
Decided today that I am going to redo some of my web site, and remove some of the graphic content to reduce bandwidth use (may also do the same on the GTR site). The GTR YRM team is going well, we have a few new members that have made a real difference to the team. The forum has been really busy which is very nice, even humor in there which is even better. Starting to get a little bored with the Kingdom of Loathing game, sort of run out of things to do adventure wise it is all just the same old thing each day. The chat can be fun but quite difficult to follow due to bad lag most of the time. I will stick it out for a few more weeks, but if nothing new is really going to happen or be added I will either drop the game or just play once a week or something. Had snow the past couple of days, real cold so indoors is the place to be. Looking forward to next month and my operation, also coming up is the GP season, and the release of the Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy Movie soon.
Happy is the way to be!