Wednesday, March 17, 2004

The Malaysian GP on ITV1 and ITV2 20-21st March
(subject to change)
Repeat Sat 13:30 - 15:30
Live Sun 06:45 - 09:10
Repeat Sun 14:00 - 16:25
Race highlights
ITV2 Mon 19:00 - 20:00
All times are GMT

WOOOOOOO! HOOOOOOOOOO! Race two this weekend.
Still no Job , really need to get my finger out now and find something fast. So far this move has worked out really well it's nice to be able to get out a bit more. Its also nice to have friends near by too , it really has made so much difference , a big thank you to them. Apart from not having a job(YET!) I feel pretty good about things here.


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