Sunday, March 26, 2006

Website removed

I have taken down my website this week, so there may be a few dead picture links within this blog now. Not sure if I will put up another site yet or not.
I have my driving test in a couple of weeks now, I should pass it ok, looking forward to being able to drive around.
The more I look into the way this world is run, the more I want to get away from it all. I have to admit adjusting to a life more simple with out all the modern gadgets and gizmos will take some adjusting too, it will be worth it!
For now I will make the most of my PC, and online racing, it will be gone soon.

Sunday, March 05, 2006


I have decided to redo my website some time soon. Going to go for a simple approach with less eye candy this time. Making it more a racing site which is what I am more into right now.
Been racing on line in a server called Racin 24/7 on GTL, been good fun. They have a team speak channel too which adds to the fun hearing the other drivers during the race.